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Once a year, when mirth is at large and Christmas joy abound, the OPIG masses gather to celebrate the annual pagan celebration of Christmas. Vast quantities of food (and alcohol) are shamelessly consumed at an (unwilling) volunteer's humble abode. Once bellies are filled and judgement clouded, we gather round the "fire" to partake in the blantant consumerism that now overshadows this holiday - yes, gifts are exchanged. Though these are not regular gifts, these are of the secret santa variety and, as such, we endure such gifts as hand sanitiser, guides on moustache growing, and plastic weaponry. With gifts in hand, party games ensue before we put the room back together and disperse into the night. Read the blog report on our 2020 socially-distanced OPIGmas here or watch a fun video below from an OPIGmas many moons ago...

Here's a photo from the 2020 OPIGmas celebrations, a particularly good year for gifts!