
(Therapeutic Structural Antibody Database)

>   About
  • This database is described in the following paper: Raybould MIJ, Marks C, Lewis AP, Shi J, Bujotzek A, Taddese B, Deane CM (2020) Thera-SAbDab: the Therapeutic Structural Antibody Database. Nucleic Acids Res. 48(D1):gkz827.
  • Antibody- and Nanobody-derived therapeutics with known sequences, and their structural coverage in the PDB.
  • Use the 'Get all therapeutics' tab to get a list of all immunotherapeutics.
  • Search by name: Find a specific entry using its INN -mab or -fusp name.
  • Search by attribute: Find a subset of immunotherapeutics with particular attributes. Choose from format, target, highest clinical trial reached, development status, year INN proposed, or structural coverage (or any combination).
  • Search by sequence: Find therapeutics near to your query sequence over any Chothia-defined region of the heavy and/or light chain variable domain sequence.
  • For more help, see the About page.
  • If you believe we have missed a WHO-recognised therapeutic with a public sequence, please contact us at opig <~at~>
>   Search for a specific therapeutic
Please type a therapeutic INN name:
>   Search therapeutics by attribute
Therapeutic format:
Year INN Proposed:
Highest Clinical Trial:
Developmental Status:
Restrict to Known Structures:
>   Search for therapeutics by sequence similarity
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Light chain sequence:
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>   Downloads

Thera-SAbDab tracks all WHO-recognised Antibody- and Nanobody-derived therapeutics with released sequences.

Download a spreadsheet of all therapeutic sequences/structures (last list - PL131): xlsx / csv

If you believe we have missed a WHO-recognised therapeutic with a public sequence, please contact us at opig <~at~>

Schneider, C., Raybould, M.I.J., Deane, C.M. (2022) SAbDab in the Age of Biotherapeutics: Updates including SAbDab-Nano, the Nanobody Structure Tracker. Nucleic Acids Res. 50(D1):D1368-D1372 [link]

SAbDab paper: Dunbar, J., Krawczyk, K. et al (2014). Nucleic Acids Res. 42. D1140-D1146 [link]

Thera-SAbDab paper: Raybould, M.I.J., Marks, C. et al (2019). Nucleic Acids Res. gkz827 [link]

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