SAbDab-nano Statistics

Database last updated Thu 25 Apr 2024 08:00:26


Summary statistics for the database:

Total number of nanobody structures 1588
Number of FV regions 3312
Number of structures with antigen 1499
Number of antibodies with affinity data 87

Experimental Methods

Structures determined by each experimental method:

MethodNo. of Structures
X-Ray Diffraction959
Electron Microscopy621
Solution NMR7

Nanobody Depositions in the PDB

Antigen Types


Schneider, C., Raybould, M.I.J., Deane, C.M. (2022) SAbDab in the Age of Biotherapeutics: Updates including SAbDab-Nano, the Nanobody Structure Tracker. Nucleic Acids Res. 50(D1):D1368-D1372 [link]

SAbDab paper: Dunbar, J., Krawczyk, K. et al (2014). Nucleic Acids Res. 42. D1140-D1146 [link]

Thera-SAbDab paper: Raybould, M.I.J., Marks, C. et al (2019). Nucleic Acids Res. gkz827 [link]

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